OBDIINET’s diary

OBDII.NET - Professional Auto Diagnostic Tool Center

Xhorse VVDI2 users , free EDC17 and MEV17 authorization

Today, I read a post on DK forum entitled ” VVDI2 users , free EDC17 and MEV17 authorization”, and some users provide serial number public for authorization.
Actually the free EDC17 and MEV17 authorization is limited, to get one extra Xhorse Condor mini key cutting machine, Xhorse VVDI2 could active all of these function for free: including OBD read MED17/EDC17 PIN / CS / MAC, calculate OBD data online, calculate EEPROM / FLASH for PIN/MAC/CS.
or use remote points to exchange PIN/MAC/CS. PIN/MAC/CS is: if you use Xhorse remote/key and add to car, every key will give you points.